2014. január 14., kedd


Általában az az ember jut a legmesszebb, aki hajlandó merni és csinálni. Egy óvatos hajó soha nem jut messze a parttól.

Dale Carnegie

New before & after!
Before: Fall 2011 when I did the Disney College Program, probably between 175-180 lbs
After: Dec. 1st 2013, about 130 lbs
I started eating clean in January of 2013 and went from 177-130 by July while watching portions and falling in love with running. Since then I’ve kept up the clean eating and running, and also started weight lifting, and even though I still weigh the same my body is looking better and still making progress!
My little-less-than-a-year transformation! The key to making long-term progress is finding what works for you and sticking with it, clean eating has helped me completely change my lifestyle and I am now the healthiest I have ever been in my life. I also now love running and lifting weights, and look forward to working out because it makes me feel great! Don’t ever think your goals are too big, if you had told me a year ago that I’d look the way I do now I would’ve laughed in your face, to be honest I didn’t think it was possible, but I’ve exceeded all of my expectations, which goes to show you really can do the impossible! In the words of the immortal Elle Woods: “you must always have faith in yourself.”
Feelin good today even though I’m super bloated, staying healthy during finals is really paying off, my body feels great, my mind feels great, and I’m ready to murder these exams!
Anything is possible

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