Egy blog egy boszorkányról és konyháról, életről és módról, izomról és építésről, zsírról és csökkentésről. Magamnak: mementónak, és mert szeretek naplót írni, fotózni; másoknak: örömre, ötletnek, olvasgatásra.
Tepsi kókuszzsírral kiken.
Egy réteg főtt, felkarikázott édesburgonya.
Egy réteg kiolvasztott brokkoli-karfiol-sárgarépa-spenót-gomba keverék.
Egy réteg főtt, szeletelt tojás.
Ez leönt vízzel és natur ételízesítővel kevert kókuszsűrítménnyel (ha nincs, növényi vagy natur joghurt is oké).
Ugyanez a rétegezés újra.
A tetejére reszelt sajt kerül.
Előmelegített gáz sütő legmagasabb fokozatán 20 percig lefedve süt, majd fedő nélkül még 10-15 percig, amíg a sajt rápirul.
If your bathroom scales are looking at you funny, your favourite jeans have muffins growing out of them and your friends have started telling you how wonderful your ‘curves’ are, put down the fork and try the LES MILLS™ 21 Day Challenge. Please note - this Challenge may not be suitable for everyone. We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician or other qualified health professional before starting out on this program to ensure that you do not have any medical conditions or dietary needs that make the LES MILLS™ 21 Day Challenge unsuitable for you.
The LES MILLS™ 21 Day Challenge is a reduced carb diet that uses healthy eating habits and a three week period to help detox your body so that you can start fresh with more conscious behaviours around food.
We recommend that you follow the plan exactly as it is, especially the prescribed amounts of vegetables and water and eating at the regular intervals. And, if you can’t live without carbs, eat some; just make sure that they’re whole, unprocessed and nutrient rich.
Meal planning
Be prepared, this is tough – but we’re pretty sure that you won’t regret it!
It’s recommended that women eat five meals per day and men eat six meals a day. On workout days, one of these meals should be a post-workout protein shake.
Every meal should contain:- - Protein – one palmful of animal protein, that includes; fish, chicken, turkey, duck, pork, beef, lamb, shellfish and eggs AND - Fat – a thumb size, focusing on getting in your essential fatty acids like; avocado, olive oil, walnuts and flaxseeds AND - Carbohydrates – one to two handfuls of low-starch carbs such as asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, raw carrots, onions, tomatoes and eggplant.
Where your meal is a Protein shake – we recommend you use only whey protein and water. Women should have .01 ounces/.3 grams per kg of body weight. Men should have .02 ounces/.5 grams per kg of body weight.
Water – take your body weight in kg and multiply by 0.033 litres of water per day, then add an extra glass for every hour of exercise.
Foods to avoid – dairy products, roasted salty nuts, grains including oats, polenta, rice and couscous, wheat, fruit, legumes, starchy vegetables and soy apart from Tamari. And to drink? Water, herbal tea, coffee (black), black tea, no sweeteners.
If, at any time during the 21 Day Challenge, you feel faint or in any way unwell, take a break from the Challenge, eat some carbohydrates, reduce your exercise levels and seek medical advice.
Never skip meals as this will just leave you feeling hungry.
If you feel hungry between meals, snack on 6-8 nuts.
Try to stop eating two hours before bedtime so the digestion process does not affect your sleep and recovery.
Vary your protein sources to get a good mix of amino acids, so you do not end up with food sensitivities.
Maintain your daily water intake.
Never skip the veggies as these are an important source of fiber to keep your digestive system healthy.
Eat a ratio of 2:1 white meat to red meat.
To monitor how well you are doing, take a waist measurement before and after the 21 Day Challenge.
Day 22
Once you’ve made it through the 21 Day Challenge, we recommend that you follow the eating guidelines shown in the LES MILLS™ Food Pyramid and make sure you practice following the portion sizes suggested. Remember; try to stay focused on eating whole foods only!
This eating plan is difficult; you’ll have moments where you want to chew your arm off, and times when you’d consider mugging someone for their french fries! When you’re faced with these challenges be sure to use your common sense and manage the balance between exercising restraint and giving your body the nutrients it needs. There’s no doubt it will be hard, but once you slide gracefully into your skinny jeans in three weeks’ time, we’re pretty sure that all the pain will be forgotten.
Check out Corey Baird talking about the LES MILLS™ 21 Day Challenge
The LES MILLS™ Food Pyramid and LES MILLS™ 21 Day Challenge have been developed by Dr Jackie Mills and Corey Baird. Jackie, who was originally an obstetrician and general medical practitioner, is a specialist in nutritional medicine, and has repeatedly seen the effects that great nutrition has on people’s health and vitality. Corey has a Diploma in Personal Training and is a certified CHEK Practitioner (Level 2), a certified CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach (Level 2) and a certified BioSignature modulation practitioner. The information featured on this website is not a substitute for professional health advice. We recommend you seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional prior to applying any information featured on this website or starting out on the Les Mills 21 Day Challenge. There are external factors and circumstances (such as certain medical conditions and pregnancy) that are contraindicated for the LES MILLS™ 21 Day Challenge. If you choose to apply any information featured on this website you acknowledge that you do so at your sole discretion and risk.
- 2 tojás
- 2 ek víz
- 2 db fagyasztott spenót gombóc kiolvasztva
- 6 tk tonhal villával szétnyomkodva.
A tojást, a vizet, a spenótot összekeverjük, két palacsintaként forró kókuszzsíron megsütjük.
3-3 tk tonhallal megkenjük, feltekerjük, daraboljuk, tálaljuk.