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V: 1 tojás, 2 szelet sült szalonna, 1/3 avokádó
Edzés: Asylum/Speed and agility, Strength
Plusz mozgás: 1 óra séta és iszonyat sok házimunka rengeteg lépcsőzéssel.
Facebook oldal: Boszorkánykonyha
Egy blog egy boszorkányról és konyháról, életről és módról, izomról és építésről, zsírról és csökkentésről. Magamnak: mementónak, és mert szeretek naplót írni, fotózni; másoknak: örömre, ötletnek, olvasgatásra.
2014. szeptember 26., péntek

I was over 410lbs, morbidly obese. Prediabetic. I was always hungry, never satisfied. Addicted to video games. Depressed. Buying clothes was embarrassing, even at the local “Big and Tall” store. I didn't fit in plane seats. I could barely walk without being in pain. I was balding. I was scared. I thought I had tried everything, and that I was a failure. I was a college dropout. I felt like I was going to die, and I was only 28. And I was about to become a father.
And in learning that, I made a decision right then and there that the person I had become is not the father that my daughter deserved.

I've lost 210lbs and I've kept it off. I am a father of two. I’m going to graduate college this year, while working full time. I am happy. I feel alive. I have never been stronger, never been faster, and never been leaner. I know that if I want to accomplish something, I simply must reach out and take it. I am afraid of nothing. And I’m only 33.
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