2013. október 8., kedd

Egy hetes paleo menü (Meals for the Week – Paleo Comfort Style)

Day 1:
Breakfast – Eggs your way with sausage, avocado and tomatoes (or any other fruit or veggie you’d like to serve alongside)
Lunch – Roast salmon with roasted asparagus (for recipes, check out pages 240 and 245 in the Paleo Solution)
Dinner – Grilled steak and grilled vegetables
Here’s what we suggest for this cooking day:
Roast all your salmon and asparagus at the same time. Grill all the steak (indoors or outdoors, or use your broiler) and vegetables while you’re cooking the salmon. This is also the time to sauté an onion along with 3 bell peppers. Use some of these vegetables in your frittata, and save the rest for your steak tacos. For your frittata: Take 1 pound of the salmon and combine with 12 eggs and vegetables of your choosing in a large baking pan, and bake at 350 until the eggs are cooked through. You can also bake your sweet potatoes now as they’ll be used for the steak and sweet potato hash and baking now will decrease your cook time later! Also, while most of this stuff will keep for several days, you may wish to freeze a few portions of the frittata for later in the week. Completely up to you!
Day 2:
Breakfast – Salmon frittata
Lunch – Steak tacos (take leftover steak and the peppers and onions, place in lettuce cups and top with avocado and store-bought salsa)
Dinner – Beef curry (heat up a skillet and add about 2 tablespoons curry paste. Heat until fragrant, then add in a can of coconut milk, a dash of fish sauce, and the veggies of your choosing. We suggest eggplant and bell peppers. Stir well and then add in about 1 cup of chicken stock along with 1 pound of leftover steak. For a more involved curry recipe, check here.)
Day 3:
Breakfast – Steak & sweet potato hash. Makes 4 servings. To prepare, dice up those already baked sweet potatoes, and sauté along with coconut oil and 1 pound leftover steak until heated through. Season with spices of your choosing
Lunch – Salmon salad. Take some of that lettuce you didn’t use for your tacos, and top with tomatoes, a dressing of your choice, and 4 ounces or so per person of leftover salmon.
Dinner – out
Day 4:
Breakfast – Salmon frittata
Lunch – Beef curry
Dinner – Roasted chicken (as simple as it sounds. Roast that chicken! We suggest drying the birds, filling the cavity with some onion, celery, garlic and fresh herbs…but you can roast with just a little butter or oil and salt and pepper. If you need a recipe to follow, check out here). Serve with some steamed or roasted broccoli (to prepare for tomorrow, you can go ahead and steam all your broccoli if you’d like).
* You’ll roast both chickens and save one for the casserole tomorrow.
Day 5:

Broccoli Casserole

Breakfast – Steak & sweet potato hash
Dinner – Grilled steak and vegetables
Day 6:
Breakfast – scrambled eggs, sausage, avocado and fruit
Lunch – Roasted chicken leftovers
Dinner – Out
Day 7:
Breakfast – Salmon frittata
Lunch – Salmon salad
Dinner – Chicken and broccoli casserole
That’s it in a nutshell. You’ll notice that the most times you eat one dish in a week is three (the salmon frittata), but most times you’re only eating the same “dish” twice. This way provides you with some variety, and just might help stave off boredom (and hunger).
Of course, these are just a few ideas of what to do with leftover salmon, chicken and steak. You could also do Asian-inspired steak or chicken lettuce cups, chicken soup, chicken chili, steak fajitas, chicken salad, steak salad, spicy salmon salad, salmon omelets, egg cups with any of the aforementioned proteins, etc. Leftovers don’t have to be boring and they can save you a ton of time!


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