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Tavaly, amikor az Insanity ment, utáltam a Plyometricset, azaz a plyot. Mert nehéz, mert tüdő is kell hozzá és erő is, mert ugrálni (is) kell, a békás gyakorlatok fájtak, no és mert nem éppen térdkímélő dolog, a térdeimre pedig nagyon kell vigyáznom. Aztán ahogy erősödtem, ahogy lement még 1-2 kiló, ahogy rájöttem, hogyan helyettesítsek 1-2 gyakorlatot úgy, hogy bírják a térdeim, egyre inkább megszerettem ezt a fajta edzést. Az Asylumnál jöttem rá, hogy egyszerúen kell a plyo, és iszonyatosan jót tesz. Mivel a vállamat nem tudom még edzésre használni, ma a P90X-ből csináltam a plyot. És istenemre: amilyen rohadt nehezen álltam neki hajnali 6-kor, annyira jól ment :-)
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Here's the list of plyo exercises in the workout -- and just like with Chest & Back, each exercise is repeated at various intervals during the hour-long program:
- Jump Squats for 30 seconds - At the lowest point in your squat, explode up by leaping off the ground.
- Run Stance Squats for 30 seconds - Start in a running stance, squat four times, and then leap up, twist and land facing the opposing direction. Repeat until the 30 seconds are up, or until you vomit.
- Airborne Heismans for 30 seconds - Laterally leap into the Heisman Trophy pose over and over again, from side to side, kicking your knee up to your chest.
- Swing Kicks for 60 seconds - Kick each leg up over and across a stool for one minute.
- Squat Reach Jumps for 30 seconds - Squat, touching the floor with your fingertips, and explode up into a jump with your hands reaching up as high as possible.
- Run Stance Squat Switch Pick Ups for 30 seconds - I'm too exhausted writing down the name of this exercise to even begin to describe what it is.
- Double Airborne Heismans for 30 seconds - Just like the Airborne Heismans but with a couple of lateral high-knee tire steps in between poses.
- Circle Run for 60 seconds - Run in a tight circle while keeping your head and shoulders in the same place.
- Jump Knee Tucks for 30 seconds - Jump up, pulling your knees to your chest. Do it again and again and again.
- Mary Katherine Lunges for 30 seconds - Named after Molly Shannon's deranged, armpit-sniffing Catholic schoolgirl character on SNL, this involves doing a forward lunge and then leaping straight up and landing in the opposite lunge position. And repeating this until your legs feel like they're being torn off.
- Leapfrog Squats for 30 seconds - Wide leg squats and jumps.
- Twist Combos for 60 seconds - Jump around, spinning your body back and forth 180 degrees.
- Rock Star Hops for 30 seconds - Jump, tucking heels to butt (and playing air guitar unnecessarily).
- Gap Jumps for 30 seconds - Leap forward as far as possible, and then leaping back.
- Squat Jacks for 30 seconds - Jumping jacks, only landing in a squat position instead of with straight legs.
- Military Marches for 60 seconds - I feel like this is the only exercise that's intended as a break -- you march in place slowly, lifting your legs until they're perpendicular to your body. This is also the only plyo exercise I can see my dad doing.
- Run Squat 180 Jump Switches for 30 seconds - Squat and leap up, switching legs and landing in the opposite squat position. Repeat ad nauseam.
- Lateral Leapfrog Squats - Same as leapfrog squats, but the jumps are done laterally instead of backwards and forwards.
- Monster Truck Tire Jumps fro 30 seconds - Four alternating single-leg high-knee jumps forward, and four back. Repeat.
- Hot Foot Jumps for 60 seconds - Hop on one foot for what seems like an eternity.
- Pitch & Catch for 60 seconds - Something I did for hours for fun when I was a kid, but hated doing at the end of an hour of plyo this morning: Pretend to pitch a baseball over and over again.
- Jump Shots for 60 seconds - Similar to above; pretend to catch and shoot a basketball.
- Football Hero for 60 seconds - I think this is Tony Horton's interpretation of a celebratory touchdown dance. (forrás)
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