Squats target many of the muscles in your lower body, including the quadriceps and hamstrings. Skater squats also work your outer thigh, which is often neglected in the forward motion of walking.
Lunges target your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes, which all get a workout while walking. Forward lunges help improve balance, so hold on to a chair for additional support, if needed.
Have you ever noticed your calves start burning when you walk? Exercises like this one will strengthen the calf muscles, preventing burn and fatigue from setting in
As one of the most effective exercises for your core, planks strengthen both your abdominals and lower back. A strong core helps you walk with better posture, which also aids in breathing.

When you think of a strong core, abdominals are the first muscles to come to mind. However, a strong lower back is just as important, and this exercise targets it effectively.
Training your body in ways it isn’t used to helps improve joint stability and reduces the risk of injury. This lateral movement works your muscles in a different way than you get from the forward movement of walking.

This exercise strengthens the chest, shoulders, arms and core- all at the same time! A strong upper body will help power you up a steep hill and push you to walk a little faster

A great isolation exercise for your triceps that can be done at home, at the office, or anywhere else you can find a sturdy chair.
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