Sokszor ítam már arról, hogy számomra hatalmas motiváció látni, ahogy mások átalakultak, elolvasni, megismerni a sztorijukat, miért, hogyan kezdték el, és min mentek át, amíg elérték a céljukat. Kenna képei is a motivációs albumomban vannak a gépen, mert hatalmas a változás, amit végigcsinált. És mert ő is teambeachbodys edzésekkel érte el a célját, no meg normális kajálással. Ma már ő is másoknak segít. Nekem mindenképpen: pl. abban, hogy higgyek és bízzak benne: lehetnek még normál méretű combjaim :)
"Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body? * I had always been active. But when I got pregnant everything stopped. For some reason I was scared I'd hurt the baby if I worked out to much. So I just didn't workout. I'd go for short walks but thats about it. I ended up gaining 80 lbs. during my pregnancy and was the biggest I had ever been in my life. I was depressed and hated how I looked. I couldn't really do anything without getting out of breath. I would walk and my knees would hurt and I would sweat so much just doing little things. I ate whatever I wanted and at all times of the night and day. I guess I kinda felt like the weight was ok since I was pregnant. But once I had my son I quickly realized that I had a huge mess on my hands with all of this weight.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey? * I had my son a few months before and we had some friends coming over for a get together at our house. I thought I'd try this new workout video I got.... It was a WALKING video. And so I started it and it was one of the hardest things, just to do a walking video. I couldn't even complete it. I was sweating so bad and felt like total crap. I was so mad that I let myself get this way and mad that I didn't take care of myself when I was pregnant. So I started crying to my husband and said I've got to change and get this weight off. I can't wear any of my clothes and what I did wear I didn't think looked good. I knew I had to do something, so I decided to start the P90X. Even if I couldn't finish it I would try.
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge? * After having my son in May of 2009 I decided this is enough and I had to figure out a way to get this weight off. I saw the infomercial for P90X and knew that was the only program that was honestly gonna give me my body back. I knew there was no short cut for weight loss and I just had to put in the hard work. What got me to purchase the program was a woman on there in a Pink Bikini saying that she was a Mom and able to workout at home. It's crazy because I can still remember her before and after pictures in my mind. She made a huge impression on me. I remember wanting to be like her because she looked so happy. And I felt like total crap about myself. I had never been this much over weight and I was depressed about it. I purchased P90X. And I made a choice to change. So I got the P90X videos in the mail and I was so excited to start it. Beachbody taught me to Eat Right and modify workouts until I can master them. Beachbody has truly changed my life.
Why did you choose this particular program? * I chose P90X because it seemed like people had the best results and I wanted to get the BEST RESULTS. I remember seeing a woman in a Pink bikini on the infomercial saying she was a mom and how she was able to transform her body all while working out at home and still taking care of her kids. It's funny because I can still see that woman and what she was wearing in her before and after pictures in my mind. She made a huge impact on me buying the videos.
What in particular did you like about the program you chose? * I loved that it was something different everyday. Not the same workout that you do day in day out. It was different and I liked that. I liked using the weights since I had not done anything in almost a year and gained 80 lbs. I knew I needed to build muscle. I liked the push ups. I had NEVER done more than 2 push ups back to back in my life. I liked that it came with resistance bands and nutrition guide. Since I had been eating so much fast food and processed foods it's almost like I had forgotten to cook healthy meals. Honestly when I ate bad it's like my mind was gone and I didn't know what to do to get back on track. So the nutrition really helped me. I remember cooking the Lemon Chicken and thinking WOW this isn't bad at all. I CAN DO THIS. :)
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of? * I used P90X and ChaLean Extreme during the course of my weight loss. I built so much lean muscle mass that I NEVER had before. I have never had biceps, abs or been able to do more than 2 push ups in a row. I have all of that now. Plus I have a metabolism that burns like crazy from eating every 2.5-3 hours and going by the nutrition guide sent with the programs. I'm just proud that I stuck with it and got those 80 lbs. off that I had gained during my pregnancy. Honestly I didn't give myself any other choice but to get those pounds off. I think anyone will be successful if they have the proper mindset. Our minds are our most powerful tool.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program? * I am now a Team Beachbody Coach. I started a Facebook Fan Page called Goodbye Fat Hello Muscle and it now has over 20,000 followers. I am helping Women and Men all over the World. And Its all because I decided to workout with P90X. I know that without Beachbody NONE of this would be possible." (Forrás: itt.)
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