2013. november 2., szombat

Új fejezet / 2. szakasz / 2. heti edzésterv (Ausztria)


11. 04-
(Új fejezet / 2. szakasz / 2. hét)
láb, has
teljes test
Asylum/ Relief
kar, derék, hát, has
mell, derék, hát, has
EAP/ gumikötél, 20p aerob
LMP/ Hardcore abs
T25 / Gamma/ Deluxe Extreme Circuit
Asylum/ Strenght
Insanity/Cardio abs
Asylum2/ Power legs
RevAbs/Mercy abs

Új fejezet / 2. szakasz / 1. heti menüterv (Ausztria) itt
Új fejezet / 2. szakasz / 1. heti edzésterv (Ausztria) itt

Új fejezet / 2. szakasz / 6. nap

Csodás volt a reggel, bár nagyon korai...

Edzés (Insanity/Plyometric C. C.) után jöhetett a gyors tusi, gyors öltözés, reggeli.
3 tojás, sonka - rántotta, 1 paradicsom, 2 saját kenyérke.

A régi étkezési naplóimból írom ki, amit még használni tudok, közben E-nek is ugráltam és tízóraiztam:
1 banán.

A régen mindenmentesen eltett lecsóm volt ma porondon. Jelentem: semmi baja, se penész, se elszíneződés, pörfikt.
Ebéd: lecsó, sült csirke, saját kenyérke.

Elő-uzsonna: 2 kókuszos sütike.
Uzsonna: fél doboz lakt.mentes túró, növényi jogi.
Vacsora: tonhal spenótos párolt zöldséggel.

Folyadék: másfél liter tea.
Még 8 nap kint...


"As much as I don't care what people say about me and it really has no affect on me. I am proud of my body and very confident in my body...I built this shit from the ground up!!! I wasn't born like this, I built that! And I'm proud of my artwork!!!

HOWEVER, I do know that these kinds of things affect other females...Ewww, you have no boobs, you look like a man, you're ugly, disgusting, not sexy...blah blah blah...don't think I don't peep your pics and see what you look like...and most of the time these comments come from women that are mostly overweight...BUT, do I think you are unattractive...NO!!!! I don't! I think every women can be attractive whether you are big, small, skinny, muscular, long hair, short hair, multi color hair, big feet, small feet...etc, you get my point...We can all be beautiful in our own way! Since when is there a set standard to what a female should look like? If we all were built the same, how boring would this world be? It just bums me out that people can be so hurtful to someone they do not even know. And I bet if you actually met me in person, you would think completely different.

In my opinion, the sexiest thing a girl can have is CONFIDENCE!! There is no set standard what anyone should look like...so as long as you are confident with your body...Now that is SEXY! Go look at yourself in the mirror and be proud and comfortable with who you are!" (Dana Lynn Bailey)
Így fogok kinézni a mai edzés (Insanity / Plyometric Cardio Circuit) végére.
Indulok is! :)