2015. december 30., szerda

LCHF motiváció

Goodbye 100lbs. Thanks for sharing Megan! Here's an excerpt from her r/keto post:

"I run a little in the morning (not because it's necessary, but because I like running), then eat a smoothie made with homemade greek yogurt, blackberries, egg white protein powder, psyllium husks, chia seeds, aloe vera, and spinach. 

For lunch I eat some type of meat: chicken, tuna, pork, etc., and some bell peppers, cucumbers, or other veggies. I usually drink a cup of coffee or tea with a tablespoon of HWC every day. 

Then for dinner I usually eat some other type of meat and green veggie (or squash or cauliflower-some of my favorites) cooked in ghee or coconut oil. And if I'm still hungry, I eat eggs."

Reggel futott (mert szereti), majd turmix: házi görög joghurt, áfonya, tojásfehérje por, útifűmaghéj, chia mag, aloe vera, spenót).

Ebéd: hús+ zöldség.

Vacsora: hús+zöldség.

Ha még éhes volt, tojást evett.

További LCHF (ketogén) történetek itt.

Megtalálsz a Facebookon is: Boszorkánykonyha

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