2013. augusztus 26., hétfő

Új fejezet 15. nap

Pontosan és okosan foglamazott a váltótársam, amikor azt mondta: "Ha beszállok otthon a buszba, roló le. Otthon hagyom az otthoni dolgokat. És ugyanez van, ha hazamegyek.". Mindezt meg lehet valósítani, ha nagyjából rendben mennek a dolgok, de kínszenvedés, sőt lehetetlen, ha itt vagyok, amikor otthon kellene lennem, mert van, akinek szüksége lenne rám. Nem hétköznapi értelemben, hanem nagyon fontos dolog miatt.

Vannak tehát napok, amikor a szokásosnál is nehezebben alszik el az ember és óracsörgésre ébred. És már az első éber gondolatnál megtörténik, hogy habár lent van a roló, a kis nyílásain keresztül azért beszűrődik az otthoni fény.

A percek pergnek tovább. Szorít az idő. Felveszed hát az edzőcuccodat, kitárod az ablakot és nekilátsz a bemelegítésnek. Egyre éberebb az agyad, felébred a tested is. Még egy nagy belégzés..., kilégzés... és kezdődhet a futás. A programodért, az alakodért, az egészségedért, azért, aki a fejedben jár. Még húsz perc. (Roló, le!) Tíz perc még. (Otthon kellene lennem...) Letelt az ötven perc. (Hazai fényfoszlányok.) Nyújtás. Gyors tusolás. 8 óra, mennem kell...

Nehezen telik a délelőtt, pedig nem ülsz tán egy percet sem. Fodrász jön, családtag, ajtónyitás, főzés, takarítás. De az aerob óta nem csökken a pulzusszám. Nagy nehezen megvan az ebéd, jön egy kis szusszanás. És egy nagyjából megnyugtató telefon otthonról. Így nem tehetsz mást, fogod a cuccodat és elvonulsz a fürdőszobába, mehet a bemelegítés után a súlyzós edzés. És minden szünet nélkül a Focus T25 Alpha első huszonöt perce. Ami a 16. perctől egyáltalán nem volt leányálom. De csinálni kell, hát meg is csinálod.
Gyors tusolás, öltözés, három óra, menned kell.
Vannak napok, amikor semmi nem úgy törénik, ahogy az ember elvárná, ahogy szeretné. De ezeken a napokon is vannak momentumok, amik sosem változnak. Amik megtörténnek mindig, minden évben, ugyanúgy, mint azelőtt. És talán éppen ezért kicsit fényesebbek, gyertyafüstszagúbbak.
39 évvel ezelőtt egy kislány úgy gondolta: elég volt a félhomályból, megnézi magának, milyen odakint. Sok bosszúságot okozott az édesanyjának, mert sehogy sem találta meg az utat kifelé. Aztán - jó néhány óra keresgélés után - végre meglátta a Balaton-partot. Azóta minden évben ezen a napon visszagondol az akkori útkeresésre, aminek máig nincs vége. De a sok év alatt sokmindent megtanult, sokat tapasztalt, és nagyon nagy erőt és kitartást halmozott fel magában. Büszke vagyok rá. Boldog születésnapot, kis Boszi!

A Focus T25 hivatalos ajánlása

Focus T25 edzésterv itt.
Focus T25 étkezési terv itt.

Did you know that all you need is 25 minutes a day...to get in the best shape of your life? That's right. I experimented for the last year to design a program that delivers the same kind of results you'd expect from an hour-long program, in under 30 minutes. I've pulled out the rest to give you everything you need and nothing you don't. There isn't a more efficient workout around.The result is FOCUS T25—and the name implies the intent: If you focus your intensity for 25 minutes, and you do it 5 days a week, you WILL get results. 
—Shaun T


25 minutes of pure intensity
with NO REST!

To deliver the results of a 60 minute workout in just 25-minutes, Shaun uses Focus Interval Training (FIT). He takes on one muscle group at a time, works it to exhaustion and when you can’t do even one more rep, he moves on to the next muscle group…and then the next. From glutes to shoulders, abs to quads, biceps to obliques. Get the picture? It's a 25-minute, full-out attack on your body, without any rest. The only thing it leaves time for is scorching fat and sculpting muscle.




In ALPHA, you'll build your foundation of total-body fitness. Plus, there's always a modifier on screen, so absolutely anyone can GET IT DONE!
  • CARDIO25 minutes of calorie–burning, sweat–drenching cardio.
  • SPEED 1.0 Ignite your quickness. Burn the fat. Fast-paced for fast results.
  • TOTAL BODY CIRCUIT Focus on strength and resistance—without lifting a single weight.
  • AB INTERVALSCardio and ab intervals that shred the fat from your midsection.
  • LOWER FOCUS Focus on your lower-body muscles—the key to burning fat and kicking up your metabolism.



The BETA workouts feature new dynamic moves that take your body and your fitness to a new level. Plus every workout will focus on your core, so your abs get shredded too!
  • CORE CARDIO Get your sweat on! This progressive cardio-core workout is about you getting shredded fast.
  • SPEED 2.0 Rev it all the way up with Shaun's calorie-scorching, core-focused speed drills.
  • RIP'T CIRCUIT Cardio...upper body...legs...abs...repeat! This is how you get ripped in 25 minutes.
  • DYNAMIC CORE You'll go from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core routine.
  • UPPER FOCUS Shaun will help you develop the upper body of your dreams. All you have to do is FOCUS.

TOOLS TO Make Every Minute Count


Hit the ground running with this step-by-step guide for how to achieve your best results.


We make eating simple too! 5 meals a day, 5 ingredients, 5 minutes to prep. It's that simple.


Shaun gives you each day’s workout so there's no guesswork. All you have to do is nail it!

Plus, 4 BONUS Gifts


After 5 days of hard work, stretch it out—and enjoy this one! You deserve it.


Get a jump start on your weight loss with this 5-day meal plan. It's not easy but it works!


Burn fat and carve lean muscle faster with our lightweight pro-grade resistance band.**


Stay motivated with 'round-the-clock access to fitness experts and peer support. (www.beachbody.com)

Facebook oldal: Boszorkánykonyha

Focus T25 / Étkezési terv

"The Focus T25 Nutrition guide is very simple and easy to follow. That is not surprising because the entire T25 Workout Program is designed to attract people with busy lives who want to stay in shape, look great, eat right – without having to spend too much time doing it. That is why the workout program is 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week. That same simplicity is carried over into the design of the diet plan, which can be summarized as this the rule of 5. The meals are to be prepared within 5 minutes, with 5 ingredients and you are going to be eating 5 small meals each day. We have really detailed everything you need to know below, but to get you started, here is a quick and dirty video that does an excellent job of explaining what the Focused T25 Nutrition Plan is about.
When you buy the T25 Workout program, there is a nutrition calendar and guide that comes with it. You can find them in the DVD case in the product box. Here is what the Focus T25 Nutrition guide looks like:

"Focus T25 Nutrition Guide"

 How it Works

The first step of the T25 Diet plan requires you to take a 4 Step Calorie Quiz. This helps to determine (based on the answers you provide) whether you should be on one of the two calorie intake requirements. You are either going to be on 1,200 calories or 1,600 calories per day, depending on the outcome of the quiz. You should therefore answer the questions as best as you can. It is important for your own health and energy level to consume the appropriate calorie level per day while you go through the program in order to get the best results. Here is what the quiz looks like:
"T25 Nutrition Guide"

Once you get your score and determine whether you are going to be on the 1,200 calorie diet or the 1,600 – you go to step 2. This involves breaking down your total calorie intake per day into 5 small meals. Here is what that looks like:
"T25 Meal Plan"

It’s pretty much eating a breakfast, lunch and dinner with two small meals in between (snack). As you can see, this is really easy to follow and should be a no brainer when it comes to figuring out how much to eat at what time of the day.

T25 Meal Plan

Some may say that the daily calorie intake is too low. But that’s where the meal plan comes in. You will be surprised how full you can get, even from less food – if you choose the right kind of food.
Now that you know how much calories you can eat each day and and the breakdown of your 5 small meals a day, it’s time to look at the meal recommendations in the Nutrition Guide? The Focus T25 Nutrition guide has meal suggestions for you. And the best part? They are designed to be prepared in 5 minutes or less. Again, as you can see, everything about this program is designed to be short but effective. Everybody has 5 minutes to prepare a meal.
Make time and prepare the recommended meals. Eating right during the program will help keep you energized during the workout and after, which is very important because if your energy level goes down, then your performance will suffer – which will affect the results you get." (forrás)
A fenti egy ajánlás. Az én alapanyagcserém is több 1300 kcal-nál, tehát ennyit akkor is elhasznál a szervezetem, ha fekszem. Az az 1200 kcal-s ajánlat szerény véleményem szerint erősen megfontolandó. Már ha az ember az egészsége miatt edz...
Focus T25 edzésterv itt.

Facebook oldal: Boszorkánykonyha

Focus T25 / Alpha és Beta edzésterv

Focus T25 étkezési terv itt.


"Focus T25 Schedule Beta"

"This is a review of the T25 Workout program, which is the hottest new workout program that is generating a lot of buzz. It is created by Shaun T, the respected personal trainer behind the Insanity workout program. It can be said that if Shaun T is behind a program, chances are it will get you results – if the Insanity Program is any guide.
But before we get to the review, and tell you why we think Focus T25 is a well designed workout program that will get you the body you are looking for – we want you to see for yourself. So, first watch the video below by Shaun T himself, explaining why 25 minute workouts, 5 days a week is all you need.

What is different about the T25 Workout?
The T25 program focuses on short (25 minute), fast paced workouts that include high intensity exercises that are designed to give you a total body workout in the shortest possible time. This is based on studies that have shown that a short workout (like 25 or 30 min) that focuses on providing exercises that work the full body and keep the heart rate up is equally effective, if not more effective than say a 1 hour workout at the gym.

T25 Workout Schedule

The T25 program schedule is built around two main workouts: The Alpha Cycle and Beta Cycle. The Alpha cycle is a set of 5 DVDs that that includes Cardio, Speed 1.0, Total Body Circuit, AD intervals and Lower Focus DVDs. This Alpha Cycle is meant to be a foundation for Total Body Fitness, to get you ready for the Beta Cycle.

"T25 Alpha Cycle"
The Beta Cycle is also a 5 DVD that focus on Core Cardio, Speed 2.0, Rip’T Circuit, Dynamic Core and Upper Focus. The idea is that once you get through the Alpha Cycle, you will be ready to take on the more intense workout associated with the Beta Cycle, taking your fitness regimen to the next level.
"T25 Beta Cycle"

Facebook oldal: Boszorkánykonyha