"This is a review of the T25 Workout program, which is the hottest new workout program that is generating a lot of buzz. It is created by Shaun T, the respected personal trainer behind the Insanity workout program. It can be said that if Shaun T is behind a program, chances are it will get you results – if the Insanity Program is any guide.
But before we get to the review, and tell you why we think Focus T25 is a well designed workout program that will get you the body you are looking for – we want you to see for yourself. So, first watch the video below by Shaun T himself, explaining why 25 minute workouts, 5 days a week is all you need.
What is different about the T25 Workout?
The T25 program focuses on short (25 minute), fast paced workouts that include high intensity exercises that are designed to give you a total body workout in the shortest possible time. This is based on studies that have shown that a short workout (like 25 or 30 min) that focuses on providing exercises that work the full body and keep the heart rate up is equally effective, if not more effective than say a 1 hour workout at the gym.
T25 Workout Schedule
The T25 program schedule is built around two main workouts: The Alpha Cycle and Beta Cycle. The Alpha cycle is a set of 5 DVDs that that includes Cardio, Speed 1.0, Total Body Circuit, AD intervals and Lower Focus DVDs. This Alpha Cycle is meant to be a foundation for Total Body Fitness, to get you ready for the Beta Cycle.
The Beta Cycle is also a 5 DVD that focus on Core Cardio, Speed 2.0, Rip’T Circuit, Dynamic Core and Upper Focus. The idea is that once you get through the Alpha Cycle, you will be ready to take on the more intense workout associated with the Beta Cycle, taking your fitness regimen to the next level.
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Szia csak azt szeretném megkérdezni hogy pénteken 2 edzést kell csinálni ?
VálaszTörlésSzia Bogi! Igen, ahogy az edzésterv megadja :)
TörlésSzia! Tudsz e valakit aki eladná a T25 edzésprogramját? Megvenném.
VálaszTörlésItt megtaláljátok a videókat.
Szia János! Köszönöm! Már jelentkeztem is a csoportba. :)
TörlésKöszönet János, jelentkeztem én is. :)