2013. április 1., hétfő

Les Mills Pump/ Day 29

Pump and shred




  • "Length: 45 minutes
  • Main muscle groups worked: chest, back, hamstrings, quads, shoulders and abs

  • The Les Mills Pump and Shred workout is my favorite of the Pump workouts up to this point. I feel like I keep saying that. Pump and Shred is the third disc in the Pump workout program and it is a bit more advanced than the first two and the workout itself is a little longer too.
    Some are saying that the first phase of Les Mills Pump is way too easy and some have even skipped Phase 1 all together and jumped into Phase 2 immediately. However, I think the first Phase is a must – particularly for first-time ‘Pumpers’, because it prepares you for the more advanced workouts. You’re shown several modified versions of the moves and you’ll begin to get stronger so that you can perform the advanced workouts in their entirety. If you feel it’s too easy, simply ADD WEIGHT. If you’re really advanced, one thing I could see is that people just can’t get enough of the workouts because they are fairly short – especially Les Mills Pump Challenge. In that case, I would suggest to at least go through the first couple of workouts a couple times before advancing on to Phase 2.

  • Fun songs! Some I didn’t know at all and remember how I said I’m not really into fast-tempo stuff? Well it’s really helping that the moves go along with the music because I hardly even notice. In fact, the songs are starting to really grow on me.

  • Plenty of time to change weight. I noticed that you change the amount of weight used a number of times and the trainers give you plenty of time to get ready for the next series of moves.

  • You’re reminded to check your weight. I love how the trainers tell you to use more weight for large muscle groups and less for smaller groups. They remind you to kind of check and see how much weight you’re using and suggest what to use to challenge and push yourself if you’re ready to do so.

  • “Use a bench if you have one”. For those who don’t know, chest presses are done on the floor in this program. This limits your range of motion so the trainers say to use a bench for the chest presses if you have one to increase your range of motion and get results faster. If you don’t have a bench, you can prop up some pillows or something to help increase your range of motion.

  • Bodyweight exercises. Push-ups were introduced in this workout so it’s not just about the chest presses using the bar. I liked that a lot. And again, they show modifications for these.

  • I really felt challenged. Wobbliness! Is that a word? My legs and arms were shaking during some of the moves and my legs are still feeling like jell-o an hour after completing it. This is because of the “bottom halves” and “pulsing” that are incorporated into many of the moves." (Forrás: itt.)

  • A "Chest" kivételével emeltem a súlyon: most 16 kg.



    Hogy túl vagyok egy 14 napos nonstop külföldi meló-etapon?
    Hogy túlvagyok egy mai 8 órás hazabuszozáson?
    Hogy már kipakoltam, elmentem a hűtős cuccaimért, elintéztem ezt-azt?
    Ja, hogy este fél 10?

    Tökéletes nap és alkalom az edzésre!
    Kezdem is!

    Újra itthon...

    Hazaért a kis boszi. Ausztriában hó, minuszok, Magyarországon napsütés, 17 fok. Teljesült volna a kérésem és Tavasztündérként értem volna haza?? ;-)
    Már kint tudtam, hogy csőtörés van az albérletben, szegény alsó szomszédom szólt, hogy beázott a konyhánál...
    Ez a látvány fogadott az én elutazás előtt csillivillire flájlédizett konyhámban:

    A dolog pikantériája, hogy a kárrendezők ugye nem dolgoznak ünnepek alatt, így csak holnaptól tudnak jönni szemrevételezni, megkértek, hogy maradjon így a konyha (!!!!!!), amíg nem jönnek.
    Nem mondom el a véleményemet, de kellemes húsvéti ünnepeket és nagyon jó pihenést, boszikám... ... ... ... ...